1848 — Columbus, Ohio bans crossdressing
The city bans crossdressing in public and isn’t overturned until 1974.
1886 — Denver fines and imprisons people for crossdressing
Any person who is dressed in clothing “not belonging to their sex,” will be fined or sent
to jail, according to Denver, Colorado’s new law.
1910 — The word “transvestite” is coined
The word transvestite was coined by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, a Jewish German
physician and an advocate for gays and transgender people and is used as the title of
his book, The Transvestites: The Erotic Drive to Cross-Dress.
1919 — Institute of Sexual Research is Founded in Germany
Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld co-founds the Institute of Sexual Research Institut für
Sexualwissenschaft, a private sexology research institute, which had a research library
and a large archive and included a marriage and sex counseling office.
1933 — Nazi’s destroy the Institute of Sexual Research in Germany
T he Nazi’s gain control of Germany; they destroy the institute and burned its books.
1944 — Detroit passes ordinance against crossdressing
The law prohibits men in Detroit, Michigan from wearing clothes of the opposite sex in
public and private settings.
1952 — 1st public sex reassignment
Christine Jorgensen, a trans woman, becomes the first American to publicize their sex
reassignment surgery. She was on the front page of the New York Daily News and
became an instant celebrity. Christine became one of the first advocates for trans rights.
1966 — Compton Cafeteria Protest
Many transgender people couldn’t go to bars or clubs due to transphobia in the gay and
lesbian community. The management of Compton Cafeteria called the police on a group
of trans people. Due to the terrible mistreatment of the trans people by the police, a
trans woman threw a coffee in the police officer's face. A riot broke out, and the
immediately following trans people began a picket outside of Compton Cafeteria.
1969 — Stonewall Rebellion
The Stonewall Rebellion, most popularly known as ‘Stonewall Riots’ — was a series of
uprisings by LGBT people after a police raid on Stonewall Inn in New York. Police
routinely raided Stonewall and blackmailed the management and staff to avoid raids.
Marsha P. Johnson, a black transwoman and Silvia Rivera a Puerto Rican trans women
are recognized as being leaders in starting the riots, which is widely recognized as the
birth of the LGBT movement in the United States.
1972 — Sweden grants gender reassignment
Transgender people are allowed to legally change their name in Sweden after sex
reassignment surgery and hormone therapy.
1976 — New Jersey Validates first trans marriage
New Jersey Superior Court validates a trans woman’s marriage to a man in M.T. v J.T.
in the first legal case that addresses transgender marriage.
1992 — 1st transgender state legislator elected to U.S. Office
Althea Garrison from Boston, Massachusetts becomes the first trans elected official in
the state legislator in American history.
1993 — Brandon Teena is murdered in the US
Brandon Teena is a transgender youth raped and murdered at the age of 21 in
Nebraska. Teena’s life was depicted in the film Boys Don’t Cry.
1993 — Minnesota Bans Discrimination Based on Gender Identity
Minnesota Human Rights Act adds “gender identity,” as a protected class in the Human
Rights Act, banning discrimination in housing, insurance, goods and services, contracts,
health benefits, hospital visitation rights, and employment.
1999 — Transgender Day of Remembrance is established
The Transgender Day of Remembrance was founded in honor of Rita Hester, an African
American transgender woman who was murdered.
2006 —Transwoman elected to Hawaii State Board of Education
Kim Coco Iwamoto, a Japanese American trans woman becomes the highest-elected
transgender official in the country when elected to Hawaii’s state board of education.
2009 - International Transgender Day of Visibility is established
Established by Rachel Crandall, a Michigan-based transgender activist, the
International Day of Transgender Visibility is held on March 31 around the world to
celebrate the community and raise awareness about the discrimination trans people
face in society.
2012 — Transgender identity no longer classified as a mental illness
The American Psychological Association removes “gender identity disorder” from its list
of mental illnesses after activists organized for its deletion.
2013 — California become 1st state to protect transgender students
California passes AB1266: School Success & Opportunity Act which allows students to
participate in sex-segregated programs such as athletic teams and competitions, use
facilities (such as bathrooms) consistent with the gender identity the student identifies
with, irregardless of the gender listed on the student’s record.
2014 — 1st trans person nominated for an Emmy
Laverne Cox, an African American actress in Orange is the New Black becomes the first
openly trans person to be nominated for an Emmy.
2016 — President Obama releases guidance for transgender students in schools
President Obama issues guidance to public schools that students should be able to use
the restrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity (even if it differs
from their student record.) The memo also directs schools to use the student’s preferred
name and gender pronouns.
● Alport, Gordon (1954), The Nature of Prejudice, Addison Wesley Publishing Company.
● Alperson, Myra (1991), The Better World Investment Guide, Council on Economic Priorities, Prentice Hall Press.
●, Dr. Jim Cole
● Combs, Arthur (1971), Helping Relationships: Basic Concepts for the Helping Professions, Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
● Egan,Gerard (1977), You and Me: The Skills of Communicating and Relating to Others, Wadsworth Publishing Co.
● Gazda, George (1973), Human Relations Development: A Manual for Educators, Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
● Green, Elizabeth R. & Peterson, Eric N., Ideas for Allies of the Transgender and Intersex Communities, University of California Riverside
● Lurie, Samuel, (2006), Action Tips for Allies of Trans people
● National Center for Transgender Equality (2014) Transgender Terminology, © 2017 National Center for Transgender Equality
● New York Times, (2015), Milestones in the American Transgender Movement, New York Times
● Rosenthal, Robert (1968), Pygmalion in The Classroom, Holt Rinehart and Winston, Inc.